Wednesday, 22 April 2015


As I promised three weeks ago, the main topic is still the history of modern dance.

,,Free dance" the beginnings

At the end of the XIXst century there were lots of problems in the society. People started to riot and everything which was usual became too old, and workaday.
The artist world also became disillusioned and they wanted something new. The artists also started to riot and they worked by their own visualizations. In contrast with the classical art of the period, there were radical changes. Just like in dance.

They were against all the rules and also judged the ,,tenseness,, of classical ballet, and also the clothes and ballet shoes.

They wanted to impress themselves more and more so they started improvisations.
The changing started off from America and slowly spreaded in whole Europe.
This running resulted new schools and wings which are big milestones in the today's moderndance.
Important and big dancers of the period are Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncen and Ruth St Denis.

Loie Fuller

Isadora Duncan

Ruth St Denis
                                                                                                                            Szabina :)


  1. Nice post Csasz ;) I'm looking forward to the sequel

  2. Can you imagine that in 10 years another group of students is blogging and one of the group members posts about you as a famous dancer? :)
