Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Hi everyone , sorry I couldn't post it up last week , but unfortunately there was a little problem with my Internet provider...

    I think everybody saw Rob Reiner's American comedy-drama film , The Bucket List. The main plot follows two terminally ill men on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they kick the bucket.

    I think this list thing is very inspiring. I have been writing my small list of the places where I want to go once , the things what I want to try before I die. First seen it may be daydreaming , but I think it might stimulate us , even if you're a student and you're studying or even if you're working. Because of the list you want to perform better and reach all your goals.
However I think on your list theres shouldn't be world savior things ( altough create world peace would be pretty cool ).

    All I can say to dream big , be creative and start your list today ;)

Here are a few things that can be found on my list as well :

Thank you for reading :)
xx Pálma


  1. Hiii Pálma! :)

    I really like this post. I love the idea how you used a film to your post. It's very inspiring,your bucket list and the film too. It's a good way to express ourselves. I think through on this we all got to know you a little better ^_^ .

    Szabina Cs.

  2. I agree with Szabina. Great thoughts, great film, great list!
