The reason why people say dance is not a sport is still unknown, atleast for me. I read like 10 negative comments about this in about 3minutes. Most of them think dancers don't need talent and they compare it with golf(!!!) where they say, the lovers of this sport need talent. Well in my opinion everyone can learn special tricks and movements if they do it with passion, BUT that sentence : ,, They don't need to be talented, and that they just shake,and that there is no physical action, and people can learn EVERYTHING connected to dance in ONE month is very ridicoluos. Let me show you some of the comments:
The fact that people, who have never danced before(max on parties), say these statements is the most outrageous.
From personal experiences I strongly disagree with it. I only dance since the 11th of March 2014 but this year gave me lots of beautiful moments even they were sometimes hard to bear. I feel happier, more confident, I just simply feel awesome in my dance classes. You can't compare it with any other feeling,because even if you sad,dissapointed,had an argue or you feel above the clouds you can go to your dance class,or to your living room, and dance or anything which makes you feel better than being anywhere else. But to reach something in your hobby,so you want it to become your future life not a hobby,you have to make decisions, have to bear the hard work. It all needs are stamina,patience,will and of course lots of other things, including positives too.
To give another example, my sister is horse-riding since she knows it excists and she always come to me like: Sis, I did it wrong today, that other girl/guy was so much better than me.
Well my sister is very perfectionist in every part of the life. In my opinion to be perfectionist is very bad, because you won't see that what have you done and how successful and good were you, but you will compare yourself to others who maybe do it since longer time. Just don't give up,stay positive,leave a comment and read this blog. :)
Loads of love,
Szabina from the TeenThoughts team